Neko Plant nutrient NPK 8-3-2 -liquid
A general nutrient. Indoor and outdoor plants, greenhouse vegetables, grain and oil plants.
- abundant and long-lasting flowering
- good quality and balanced green growth
- irrigation fertilizer: ornamental plants, greenhouse vegetables
- foliar fertilizer: cereal and oil crops
- start fertilizer – growth activation: seedling stage,
or in prolonged, difficult growing conditions (overwetness, -dryness)
Seedling growing from 1 per prom fertilizer / 1-2 times / week
Limited growing medium greenhouse vegetables, ornamental plants 2-4 per thousand / 1-2 times / week
Open field farming vegetables, roots, berries, summer flowers and perennials 10-15 l / 1000 l of water
Cereals, oilseeds 10-15 l / 200 l water / ha / 1-3 times / growing season
– can be used with most spray mixes.
Composition in weight percentages
Total nitrogen N 6.9
Nitrate nitrogen NO3-N 1,6
Ammonium nitrogen NH4-N 3.0
Urea type urea-N 2,3
Phosphorus P 2,3
Potassium K 2,1
Sodium Na 0.023
Iron Fe 0.0014
Boron 0.0022
Copper Cu 0.00026
Manganese Mn 0.00053
Zinc Zn 0.00012
Molybdenum Mo 0.00012
Boron B 0.0022
Copper Cu 0.00026
Manganese Mn 0.00053
Zinc Zn 0.00012
Molybdenum Mo 0.00012